Hidden behind the greenery, between vast meadows with grazing cows and picturesque farming villages, lives the Dutch Cowboy Kees from Kamerik. Kees chose to leave the modern and stressful society behind and lead a simple and pure life in a little wooden cabin surrounded by nature. Inspired by the old cowboys he lives by his own rules, Cowboy Kees’s rules of life.

With his typical cowboy hat, leather boots and big gray mustache, Kees looks like he came walking straight out of a Western. Although he doesn't ride a horse or roundup cattle, he does share the same values as the cowboys. For Kees, the cowboy life is all about freedom, listening to your intuition and feeling connected to nature. In his self-created cowboy world Kees enjoys the simple things in life.

The pure and free-spirited Kees intrigued me and in the past five years I often visited him, hoping to become a little more cowboy myself. A special friendship formed between us and I learned that Kees's basic and reclusive lifestyle was not only born out of idealism, but also out of necessity. When at some point in his life Kees lost almost everything that was dear to him, he realised that the most essential thing we have here on earth could not be taken away from him: nature.

The power of nature gave Kees the energy to slowly blossom again. He taught me that being a cowboy is not just about wearing a cool hat and leather boots, it’s about the lifestyle that it represents. Simple and pure, back to nature. We need cowboys like Kees to realise what life is really about. Kees is my natural self-help book in our modern society and he might just become yours too.

The Cowboy Kees photobook.
Click on the book for more information.

Exhibition of Cowboy Kees at Fotofestival Naarden (2021) and the graduation show at the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (2020).

Wat te doen, na je pensioen?
Een bron van inspiratie voor mijn vader en elke andere (aanstormende) pensionado

Met pensioen gaan is een belangrijke mijlpaal. Het is een nieuwe levensfase die een drastische verandering met zich mee brengt. Geen deadlines, geen vergaderingen, geen collega’s, geen overuren en geen druk meer. Hiermee gaat echter ook een plek en een doel in ons leven verloren, die een groot deel van onze identiteit definieerde. Mijn vader gaat volgend jaar met pensioen, na meer dan veertig jaar hoeft hij niet meer om 6 uur ’s ochtends op te staan, zijn net gestreken shirt aan te trekken en een kopje koffie te drinken, voordat hij de deur uitgaat. Ik kan zien dat hij het spannend vindt om binnenkort te moeten stoppen met werken. Een plek waar hij meer dan 100,000 uur zal hebben gespendeerd.
Nu de bevolking van Nederland aan het vergrijzen is en we steeds langer leven, is het nòg belangrijker geworden om iets te vinden wat we leuk vinden, een activiteit die ons verbindt en betekenis geeft aan ons pensioen. Ik heb 22 gepensioneerden gefotografeerd, onder andere Karel, Niny, Rob, Thecla en Pieter, allemaal met verschillende hobby’s en interesses. Zij hebben besloten niet te gaan zitten wachten tot het laatste kwart van hun leven is geëindigd, maar om deze nieuwe fase te ontdekken en onze perceptie van leeftijd en zijn beperkingen uit te dagen.

Gepubliceerd in het NRC en FNV Magazine.

De ‘Wat te doen, na je pensioen’ weekkalender, een inspirerende vrijetijdskalender voor de (aanstormende) pensionado.

A collaborative project with the residents of the Rosa Spier Huis, a home for elderly artists in Laren. 

Being slightly crazy is nothing to be ashamed of. Especially not if you’re an artist, or if you’re old and grey. When you’re both, it’s even better.
With this idea in mind, I collaborated with 5 residents of the Rosa Spier Huis to make a work embracing the craziness, forgetfulness and confusion that come with old age. Instead of trying to disguise it and seeing it as a limitation, why don’t we use it as a new source of inspiration? In their own rooms in the retirement home, we used existing work from their archives, to make a new work, translating their thoughts and feelings into reality. 

A big thanks to Enna Martina, Marian Smits Kovacs, Maya Pejic, Albert Robbe and Peter Kouthoofd for collaborating and embracing your craziness with me.

55% of The Netherlands is prone to flooding if water levels keep on rising and storms become more severe due to climate change. What are we doing to prevent ourselves from getting wet feet? Through which technological innovations are we shaping the land we live in? And are we able to tame it or will nature eventually take over and wash us all away mercilessly?

Luckily the Dutch are famous for their water management skills. From the early middle ages we have reclaimed and defended our land from the sea. Water is in our genes. However this time it's different, in a way it is paradoxical that we are fighting against a natural force that we have now made even more powerful ourselves by contributing to the rapidly changing climate.

How are we dealing with the rising water levels and their consequences? ‘Wet Feet’ depicts the typical Dutchman and his determination to keep our little low lands dry.

Cowboy Kees -  Sold out
The second edition and special edition of the Cowboy Kees photobook are unfortunately sold out.

Photography, text and concept by Sabine Rovers.
Design in collaboration with Studio Spikkel.
Lithography by Marc Gijzen.
Printing by Drukkerij Raddraaier.
Binding by Agia.
Cover made from leather remnants from De Leerlooier.
Cover engraving by Meesterslijpers.
Dimensions 18 x 22 cm. 
Second edition, printed in an edition of 100.
March, 2021.

How to Become a Socially Engaged Photographer - only available as e-book
Nearly 250 pages of tips, tricks, exercises, inspiration & ideas to make photography more inclusive for both your subject and audience

This book is the book I wish I’d had in my photography studies. 
It is a playful, exploratory and accessible book full of assignments for every photographer who wants to tell stories with people, instead of about them. It will introduce you to the concept of socially engaged photography and challenge you to incorporate participation and collaboration in your own photographic practice.
This book has no rules, no beginning and no end, no long dense texts, no facts you have to learn by heart and no tests you have to pass.
It does however require some other qualities from you. It asks for an open mind, a brave attitude, a listening ear, an empathetic heart and a willingness to collaborate with others around you.
Good luck, enjoy and engage!

Thesis publication for the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague.
Designed by Barbara Krantz. 
May, 2020. 

This physical version of this book is sold out, but you can now order a digital copy for €15,- by sending me an email: sabinerovers@gmail.com.